1、 破壞病、老細胞組織,使帶有多種細菌和病毒的老、舊細胞脫落、把長期沉積在下陰深處的毒素和分泌物排出體外,杜絕各種如下陰炎、宮頸糜爛、盆腔炎、子宮內膜炎、子宮肌瘤等性性難愈的婦科疾病。使用伊人寶典就等于為自己定期做一次徹底的大掃除。
2、 利用活性精華物質的超強滲透力直達細胞中,清熱解毒,活血化瘀,升清降濁,平衡酸堿度,調節(jié)內分泌。
3、 增強下陰組織的抵抗能力,實現(xiàn)自我保健效果,打破“性腺中軸的病態(tài)平衡”,使卵巢的雌性激素荷爾蒙的分泌恢復正常水平,達到從根本上美容的效果
Our company specially provides the separate design packaging and OEM service for export business, TV shopping and e-commerce clients .At present, our company possesses the automatic production line of oral liquid, capsule, tablet, granule and powder . The production above are according to customers’ requirements .Moreover, our company provides relevant formalities and separately design of specialized packing box which help to establish your own brand. The complete formalities, high product quality, prominent effects and high repurchase rates are the advantages of our company.
●Help you have your own brand, flexible sale mode, great profit, easy to control fake, which all these help you capture your own domestic and foreign markets!
●Provide high-quality raw materials, reduce your cost , assure products quality, obey promise, delivery on time, which all these make us a long-term cooperation!