EN60825-1 簡介 一:組成部分 EN60825 consists of the following parts: - Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and user’s guide; - Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communication equipment systems; - Part 3: Guidance for laser displays and shows; - Part 4: Laser Guards; - Part 5: Manufacturer’s checklist for IEC 60825-1; - Part 8: Guidelines for the safe use of laser beams on humans; - Part 9: Compillation of maximum permissible exposure to incoherent optical radiation; - Part 10: Application guidelines and explanatory notes to IEC 60825-1; - Part 12: Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information; - Part 13: Measurements for classification of laser products; - Part 14: A user’s guide 二:適用范圍 Any laser product or LED product is exempt from all further requirements of this part 1 if - Classification by the manufacturer according to clauses 3, 8 and 9 shows the the emission level does not exceed the AEL of Class 1under all conditions of operation, maintenance, service and failure, and, - It does not contain an embedded laser or embedded LED EN60825-1 :2007 的適用范圍在2010 年9 月后只適用于LASER 產(chǎn)品, LED 的測量將在EN60825 : 2007 中除去,替代LED 測試標準EN62471 :2006 標準將于2010 年9 月開始實施,。 三:定義 1.激光器:主要通過受控受激發(fā)射過程而產(chǎn)生或放大,其波長在180nm-1nm 范圍的電磁輻射裝 置。 2 .1 類激光產(chǎn)品:在相應波長和發(fā)射持續(xù)時間內(nèi),人員接近激光輻射不允許超過 1 類可達發(fā)射極 限AEL (ACCESSIBLE EMISSION LIMIT )的激光產(chǎn)品。 3 .2 類激光產(chǎn)品:滿足在400nm-700nm 的波長范圍內(nèi),人員接近激光輻射有可能超過1 類可達 發(fā)射極限但不超過 2 類可達發(fā)射極限的激光產(chǎn)品,在任何其他波長上,人員接近激光輻射不